The Division of Phoniatrics has outpatient and inpatient clinics that provide diagnostics and treatment of all types of voice, speech, language and swallowing disorders. Another emphasis is on evaluation of early childhood hearing disorders.
Diagnostic options include all indirect and direct videoendoscopy techniques for examining the voice, speech and swallowing organs; computer-assisted recording of voice performance; aerodynamic assessment; nasality analysis; swallowing function diagnostics; orofacial diagnostics; electrodiagnostics; developmental diagnostics; specific recording of language and speech ability; testing of orofacial sensorimotor function; perception diagnostics; intelligence and developmental testing; biopsies and cytological smears. Different measurement options—with or without a general anesthetic—are available for hearing assessment in children (BERA, TEOAE, AABR, audiogram, tympanogram, etc.).
The range of therapies includes all conservative and operative options. One focus of the division is on voice enhancement surgery, or phonosurgery. With state-of-the-art microscopy and endoscopy techniques and different types of lasers, minimally invasive microsurgery on the vocal folds can be performed to improve their vibration ability, ablate tumors or remove tissue samples. A variety of these interventions are already offered by the day clinic, which is unique throughout Austria and has been accepted by a large number of our patients.
Our division provides diagnostics, recommendations and minor interventions (e.g., paracentesis, tympanostomy tube) for pediatric audiology patients.
Conducted by a team of highly qualified logopedists, logopedic therapy plays an important role in the treatment of disorders of phoniatrics and pediatric audiology. Diagnosis and therapy take place in an interdisciplinary team of specialists (otorhinolaryngology, phoniatrics) and logopedists that may also include experts in other special disciplines such as radiology, neurology, internal medicine, surgery, psychotherapy, pediatrics, etc.
The uniqueness and the added value of our divison are the result of the symbiosis between patient care, research and education. The division is jointly operated by the Medical University of Graz and the Styrian Hospital Association (KAGes). This interdisciplinary cooperation between both providers at the University Hospital Graz site is also reflected on our website. More information on patient care can be found at the University Hospital Graz website.