
TE(A)CHADOPT – Teaching students how children with neurodevelopmental disorders adopt and interact with technologies

Project duration
15.12.2024 – 14.12.2027

Erasmus+ KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education


We aim to provide guidelines to evaluate the accessibility of technologies used by children with neurodevelopmental disorders. We will close a significant knowledge gap in technology developers by teaching key accessibility skills and awareness to students who are the future technology developers. Advancing technology adaptation to the wants and needs of children with neurodevelopmental disorders will improve interventions, increase the children's quality of life, and boost their inclusion.


We will perform systematic literature reviews on technology adoption models and methods to evaluate the interaction of children with neurodevelopmental disorders with technologies. We will perform an observational study with at least 25 children. We will develop guidelines on the evaluation of child-technology interaction and provide them in six languages. We will teach accessibility awareness and skills to our students and prepare teaching material that can be used by other university teachers.

Expected results

TE(A)CHADOPT shall help to shift the focus of technology providers from producing pure learning applications to joyful and custom-tailored games for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. This will advance the inclusion of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and increase their quality of life. Our guidelines will provide support on how to adapt the products to the children’s needs. Our teaching material will transfer accessibility skills and awareness to students in many countries.


Sen. Lecturer Mag.a phil. scient. med.
Katrin Bartl-Pokorny 
T: +43 316 385 30686


Project partners

  • Politechnika Gdanska, Poland; involved researchers: Agnieszka Landowska & Michał Wróbel
  • Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Türkiye; involved researcher: Duygun Erol Barkana
  • Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Türkiye; involved researcher: Hatice Köse
  • Technical University of Munich, Germany; involved researchers: Björn Schuller & Manuel Milling
  • Beit Issie Shapiro, Israel; involved researchers: Dana Cappel & Rachel Blum
  • Alliance for Applied Psychology, North Macedonia; involved researcher: Tatjana Zorcec & Danijela Zorchec

Target groups

Students of technical and medical fields

We are teaching accessibility awareness and skills to students who will later work in development of technologies for people with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or in application of technologies for intervention purposes.

University teachers of technical and medical fields

We are preparing a comprehensive set of teaching material on accessibility of technologies than can be used for free by other university teachers. The teaching material will be available in English and in the national languages of our partner countries.

Children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families

Children with neurodevelopmental disorders are participating in our observational study on child-technology interaction. Interviews are performed with the children and their parents to get to know their opinion on the technologies and related challenges. The main goal of TE(A)CHADOPT is to advance their inclusion and access to technologies by increasing accessibility awareness and skills in (future) technology developers.

Technology developers

They will benefit from our comprehensive set of guidelines on the evaluation of child-technology interaction. The guidelines will help them to adapt their technologies better to the wants and needs of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. In the long run, they will benefit from our teaching activities as their future co-workers will be equipped with high accessibility awareness and skills.

Caregivers and therapists/special education teachers

They are getting new insights in suitable technologies for children with neurodevelopmental disorders and challenges they may have when using technologies. In their future daily work with children with neurodevelopmental disorders, they will benefit from technologies that better meet the children's needs.


Reviews of technology adoption models and methods and tools for observation and evaluation of interactions between children with neurodevelopmental disorders and technologies


Observational study of children with neurodevelopmental disorders interacting with the selected technologies


Development of guidelines for observation and evaluation of interaction between children with neurodevelopmental disorders and selected technologies


Transfer of knowledge to university teachers and students


Dissemination activities

Publications in peer-reviewed journals


Conference presentations


Written scientific reports


Science to public

On 25 February 2025, Dr. Katrin Bartl-Pokorny (Med Uni Graz) was invited to visit KLEX – KLusemann EXtern secondary school in Graz, Austria. She presented the TE(A)CHADOPT project to a first-grade class (26 children, 2 teachers). All participants were very interested and had lots of questions. It was a rewarding experience for both sides.  


Kick-Off Meeting at the Medical University of Graz

On 23 and 24 March 2025, the project partners met in Graz for TE(A)CHADOPT’s first of three project team meetings. Each partner introduced his or her institution and team, the project team members had the chance to get to know each other (better), and project activities were discussed and planned in more detail. The team members increased their knowledge on technology adoption models as well as on neurodevelopmental disorders and intervention approaches. During a break, there was time for a guided tour over the campus of the Medical University of Graz. Katrin Bartl-Pokorny and her team want to thank all guests who participated in person or virtually in the meeting for the very fruitful and enjoyable two days together!

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.